Welcome to my blog!

My name name is Marina Kharkover and I'm a freelance illustrator. You can see more of my work on my portfolio site marinakharkover.com

All images on this blog are © MARINA KHARKOVER 2011.Please do not use any of these images without my permission.

The Occult of the Fairy Tale

This entry is a homage to the occult of the Fairy Tale. I think that fairy tales and folk art  are generally often misunderstood and generalized  as "kitsch" and as "craft." Unfortunately  in this case "craft" is a derogatory  world  used to describe folk art as a lesser art destined to only have  the impression  that it is manual, decorative, and devoid of  substantial meaning.  I think that in order to eliminate this type of prejudice it is important to speak about this art  using appropriate jargon.  It is imperative to recognize that folk art  is rich with history, ideology, lifestyle, mystery, sensuality  and moral fiber. Thus it transcends  the "kitsch" and the "craft"  and is rather and embodiment of a cultural philosophy! Here I am attempting to fuse the African spirit with that of my own Russian culture by creating my own mystical narrative, these piece  is my tentative result.