Welcome to my blog!

My name name is Marina Kharkover and I'm a freelance illustrator. You can see more of my work on my portfolio site marinakharkover.com

All images on this blog are © MARINA KHARKOVER 2011.Please do not use any of these images without my permission.

Manic Energy

The other night I was watching a documentary on Keith Haring and I got really inspired  by his work process. There is a part of the video where he works so furiously that  he starts out painting on the floor and paints himself into the corner leaving almost no standing room. I was inspired by this manic energy he seem to have and began painting on tiny color -aid pieces of paper as I watched this documentary. The results were quite spontaneous this process allowed me to work quite intuitively and bits and pieces of my subconscious  began to surface. Lately I am thinking  a lot  about  my lack of money and my  prolonged  unnemployement. I am  feel this lack of money and stability is like this big monster thats eating away at me. I think the faces in this piece represent that monster and the writing is almost like a chant to get rid of my financial problems. Primarily however this piece is an act of self healing it is almost like a prayer sent out to the world.